Hello Lovelies!
I have a few seats left for my hair enthusiast workshop THIS upcoming Friday at my studio in Deer Park {about 25 minutes east of downtown Houston}. Below is a few more details on what this class will cover. Fill out the information under the contact tab and choose the the box titled "Hair Enthusiast" to sign up.
What: A workshop perfect for those who are either new to the hair industry, new to bridal styling, or just want to refine the foundation of your hair skills. I believe prep work is the most important step in bridal hairstyling so I will cover the basics in laying the framework for beautiful styles (up, half up/half down, down) as well as my tips to take any down curled style into an updo as simply and as effortless in appearance as possible. We will go over different hair types and product + heat solutions to refine the hair texture into the most ideal state to work with.
What's included: two hours of demo + 1.5 hour of hands on and q&a
*I do ask that you provide the model or mannequin for the hands on portion
What to bring: bring your most up to date hair bag ideally complete with a 1 inch curling iron + flat iron and your current hair products of choice. I will add to that my must have hair items {$50 value} as your swag bag for the workshop
So looking forward to seeing you there!
Candice Hollub
The Lovely Hair Class